Thursday, July 28, 2011

Will it make news, or be buried....

A post like the one below, from Yahoo via Forbes via Nasa, is too important to be buried. However, I expect it to be buried. Basically, it is being reported that new NASA data directly refutes the whole theory of Global Warming via trapped greenhouse gases. I find this not suprising because the science around "global warming" (or do I need to say "Climate Change" so some can cover their basis) has had all the patterns of fake, phony, political and FAST. My number on data point is the violent reaction of any when you simply ask for the proof and data. "We are beyond that" they scream and assume my truth seeking is politically motivated (how?). Truth seeking is what we need to get beyond partisanship. I don't see any truth seeking from environmentalists. I also see the motive for "global warming" advocates, it gives them a) the key then need to promote big controlling government and b) a religion to help them deal with their secularism (fyi, I am not religious -- at least in a traditional sense). What do you think?

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